How to get BatShit numbers with YOUR favorite dps: A thread
(friendly reminder: this is NOT a practical thread. im going to show u how streamers get those clickbait titles, not practical builds.)
First off, i'm going to add as many combos as I possibly can to make sure that I can include everyone who doesn't have the standard burst oneshot team (aka mona, bennett, and sucrose) and also help those who have them !!
Before we get started, we need to know about something called "Elemental Mastery".

It can be found in the attributes screen, and you can see how much it boosts ur dmg when u press "see more".
as you can see in the photo above, my childe's elemental mastery is currently at 249, meaning that when he vaporizes, the damage will be increased by 42% (including the overall atk, hydro dmg bonus, and crit dmg into the calculations!)
now this means it will be multiplied by .42%, NOT 42%

basically, if you crit 20,000 in example, it will be increased by 8,400 because 20,000 + (20k x .42) making the overall multiplier higher than if u were using an atk% sands
for the gay people that cant do math, that means when oneshotting with an element that ISNT GEO OR ANEMO (with electro i am still unsure though when going for keqing oneshots i go for atk% instead bc it doesnt have melt or vaporize) ELEMENTAL MASTERY HELPS A LOT MORE THAN ATK%!!
now u may be thinking "oh! so i should stack em instead?" NO !!!! em timepiece can be good, but otherwise its your SUPPORTS who should be stacked with em for your oneshot !!
a good example of this is sucrose, who when using an elemental skill or burst increases her party member's elemental mastery by 20% of her own.
another way to increase your EM is by running 4pcs of the instructor's set (stats dont matter, what we want is the 4pc set effect)
keep in mind tho its the SUPPORT who must trigger the reaction, so if ur using ex. mona to trigger a diluc oneshot, u can autoattack before ulting to make sure u proc the set effect !! ^0^
another good support set is the viridescent venerer, which reduces an opponent's resistance to the corresponding swirled element by 40% (does not stack with other supports using 4pc)

meaning if the pyro regisvine has a 50% pyro resistance, it can reduce it to 40%.
elemental resistance can actually go into the negatives, so using it on a fatui skirmisher who has 10% elemental resistance can make it become -30% to the corresponding element !! :0
and IMO the best support set for a oneshot burst comp is noblesse oblige (do note that its 4pc effect DOES NOT STACK so its best to use it on just one support. a good example would be bennett !!
now onto the spicy stuff:
to get a big oneshot, you wanna find a character's HIGHEST scaling multiplier !! e.g. barbara's charged atk multiplier which is as high as many bursts !! or childe's burst multiplier which everyone knows is batshit !
next, you wanna find the element that compliments this (ex. vaporize when hydro is ur dps oneshotter means ur dmg is x2 vs with pyro who only has it as 1.5, and melt with x2 pyro trigger vs 1.5 cryo trigger)

my favorite vaporize trigger is bennett !!
gnna continue this thread in a bit i have classes
also :


atk% is based on ur base stats while elem/phys dmg bonus% is calculated based on your overall stats !!!
p.s. if i am spreading any misinformation please do not hesitate to inform me politely ^^ i will be sure to fix it asap
now u need to find the optimal combo for u !

look at what u have and how u can work with it

c2 barbara gives a 15% hudro dmg bonus in her skill, c1 xiangling reduces pyro res by 15%, c2 xingqiu also reduces hydro res by 15%, so on and so forth ! there is no set team for it ^^
the ones who can multiply your dmg by the highest (if you are using pyro, hydro, or cryo) are bennett sucrose and mona

for geo, ning bennett and mona help!

for anemo and electro bennett mona and either klee zhongli or generally another pyro for resonance helps!
if using a physical dps i think its best if you use superconduct plus xinyan in bennett's ult with zhongli's resistance draining and do a high plunge ^-^
if you are doing it more for numbers rather than satisfaction or whatever it is (like for the 50k dmg achievement primogems!) i suggest u go to floor 7 of the spiral abyss or any floor/domain that buffs ur main dps

example: clear pool domain gives a 75% geo dmg bonus
let's move on to the next step: actually EXECUTING the combo !!

it takes a lot of practice to get right but when you do it's quite satisfying ^-^

here's an example of my go-to combo for a dps barbara comp !

not the highest dmg ive done on her but ill try and do better ^^
another good example of this type of setup is with feraldoto, who makes awesome oneshot videos !! here is him oneshotting wolf with childe ^-^
for those that do not have bennett:
another thing: do NOT underestimate this book. at refinement 5 it gives a 48% atk bonus to whoever u swap to after putting the characted holding it on the field. i usually put it on my mona when trying for oneshots
if you use pyro for oneshots i suggest stacking EM on mona and using an EM book on her like mappa mare or sacrificial fragments while a support like sucrose or klee with conste uses thrilling tales instead.
a good question someone asked is if ur main dps has 0 em and ur support has 200em, will there still be a bonus? ive tested this and the answer seems to be yes !!

if u need more info here is a reddit post on em calculations:
another thing: for pyro oneshots you might want to use mona instead of swapping out sucrose or bennett for ur comp

sure vaporize is only x1.5 as opposed to melt but mona makes up for it well

HOWEVER if you have c6 diona then you can use her instead of mona

photo from feraldoto

u can do this by both substats and by using a weapon with crit dmg

speaking of which, choose a weapon with either high base atk or a substat such as crit dmg

imo skyward harp > blackcliff for the passive and base atk
continuing this thread later or tmr i have hw đŸ„±
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