I gotta say, I am very happy to own both the Series X & the PS5. So fortunate to be able to even be in this position at all. I know 2020 was rough on just about everybody, but most of you have no idea how low it got for my family & I. Too many scares, & lives lost (1of 5)...
At one point we were almost homeless. It may sound silly, but as I sit here looking at these consoles, reminiscing on my younger days, & what gaming has always meant to me, be it a good time, or a great stress reliever. It was always these games & the community that (2 of 5)...
brought me so much joy. Sure it may be trivial to some, but gaming has always had a big impact in my life. I've met so many wonderful people through it's community, & have made many friends over the years. Friends that were there for me in my most difficult of times even. (3of5)
Sure I complain here and there about these gaming companies & their short comings, or even some of the negative people I've come across in this community, but in the end I'm still really thankful to be a part of it all. Sorry that I've posted such a long thread here (4 of 5)...
But I mean it. Gaming has saved me more times than I'd care to admit. I want to thank the community for being a big part of this hobby & my life. Especially those close to me, (you know who you are). You folks will never know just how much you mean to me. (5 of 5)
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