Since all this happened tonight, here are some tips of what to do if someone has a seizure around you! 🧵
Please note im not a medical professional in any way so if you are one, please add your own if I missed something.
First: make sure the person is safe. Get anything away that can hurt them. Move couches, tables, etc so they don't hit themselves off them. Do not try to move the person unless they are in imminent danger (in a swimming pool for example).
Don't put anything in their mouths!! It used to be advice to put a credit card in their mouths to keep from biting their tongue or swallowing it, but the danger outweighs that benefit.
Try to roll them to their sides to avoid them swallowing their own spit. The recovery position looks like this. It helps keep the airway clear.
Really all you can do in a seizure is wait. Wait til it ends. The most important thing to do when they come out of it is be there for them. Be calm and explain what happened. Try to keep a crowd from forming. Help them clean up. Sometimes people lose their bowels.
The person will probably be embarrassed so reassure them it's okay and obviously not their fault.
Oh! One of the most important things about being a witness is to time the seizure. If it's over 4 minutes and the seizure is still going & not slowing down, you should call for help. Status epilepticus is extremely dangerous and needs trained med. attention.
There are several different kinds of seizures. The one we're talking about is formerly called grand mal but is now tonic clonic. Here's a source from @EpilepsyFdn about the "Types of Seizures | Epilepsy Foundation"
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