Why I find @joinClubhouse interesting:
1. Unlike Twitter, I almost never open the Clubhouse app. Occasionally I get a notification that someone I follow is speaking, and I get the option to drop in. The push system adds random pleasant surprises to my life.
2. I hate parties. The crowds, the small talk, the dressing up, the inability to avoid certain people... ugh.

But I like the idea of parties: An almost free opportunity for chance encounters that could lead to many things.

Clubhouse is my party substitute without the downsides.
3. The Clubhouse invite system has the potential to keep assholes out. If I invite you, my name will appear in your profile page forever. If you become an asshole, I look bad. So, I only invite people I know.
4. I don’t take notes, I don’t bookmark sites, I don’t add to ‘read later’, I don’t have an ideas list, etc. I consider forgetting things a feature not a bug.

My embrace of chaos fits well with the ephemeralness of Clubhouse. If I listen in, I listen in. If not, it’s gone.
5. If I spend an hour talking on Clubhouse, I seem to get more interest than if I were to spend an hour tweeting — even though I have just 3% of my Twitter followers there.

I don’t know what it is, but I sense some high-intensity / non-linear effect happening on Clubhouse.
You can follow @dvassallo.
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