I have never had a student loan. Forgive $10k $50k $200k. I don’t care. Just have that same energy for what I call systemic reparations- Black folk w/high interest credit card & car loans, day care costs, rent subsidies, mortgage interest forgiveness, healthcare, senior care..
I learned that I personally do not have to benefit from something in order for me to support & be happy for others who do. Get that loan forgiven and I’ll celebrate w/you. Then I hope you celebrate when my mortgage interest is refused because I’ve paid more in my lifetime when
Compared to a white person w/same credit & income. We know that. That’s stolen generational wealth. I’ve paid more for life insurance, car insurance, good, gas, clothes than comparable white person. Again, that’s involuntary stolen wealth. Return it. It is why reparations
Aren’t only in the past. We Black folk lose wealth every single day whether we are poor, middle, upper middle. And on top of all that we are audited more which results in more time penalties fines etc. The Black tax is comprehensive & often financially debilitating. Where are
The senators championing this type of relief that hits every Black person -40m vs the only those with student loans? Again, give students relief. Give the rest us relief too.
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