TL been extra explosive since COVID started. I think the uncertainty, fear, mental & emotional stress of the pandemic has got everyone charged up, ready for an argument at any time.

Ready for a witch hunt or crucifixion at the smallest disagreement.
Twitter was always prime platform for outrage but in the midst occasionally there was entertainment and information. You could curate your TL to get a little of everything. These days there is much more outrage and less discussions.
I've noticed many people who have lots of experience, access to information and resources in various fields interact much less here now. I understand why. Interactions aren't civil at all & it's clear less people want to actually learn or be informed. They just want to vent
The people with the information, resources, etc don't lose anything by interacting less on here.

The mob is the one that loses as it becomes a bigger echo chamber. Twitter is not the real world.
You can follow @VellusAurelius.
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