Is it “politics” that divides us? Because I’m not sure this is about tax rates or trade or even judges. There’s something deeper at the root of this and it’s grown into the separating children from their parents and putting them into cages and that’s not really about politics. /1
If we want to talk about dividing families, let’s talk about them. Parents brought their children to America to seek asylum, probably saw American border guards and their badges and believed they had finally found safety from persecution (most likely religious - ironically) /2
I imagine they felt relief. Which makes the horrors of what happened to them next more horrible. It wasn’t political, it was cruel and made more so because it was acceptable by an unacceptable percentage of the party of “family values” because they weren’t from Norway. /3
Those families weren’t white enough or rich enough for enough of us to care enough that it would be unthinkable for someone like Stephen Miller to dream this nightmare up and have the GOP tow the line of racism and feed it to their racist base and divide these families. /4
But this division is personal for me. I lost my only child in 1999 to gun violence. One of my oldest closest friend lost one of her sons to a heroin overdose several years ago. We weren’t ever “politically” aligned and never needed to be, and we shared a bond of being /5
in a club that doesn’t recruit new members. This club? I’ve never met anyone in it that wouldn’t die to save another from joining it. But the last time we spoke (emphasis last) we met for lunch around Christmas 2019 and she was still on the trump train.../6
I said there are children in cages and their parents may NEVER see them again either. She said “they shouldn’t have come here.”

THAT isn’t politics, it’s RACISM.

PS In over 30 years I’ve never heard anything that would indicate this person would think this way. /
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