I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh 3 hours a day as a home-schooled kid. My parents idolized him.

5 years ago my parents called me: "Rush is about to talk about you!"

I was in the news for slashing my CEO pay to raise our min wage to $70k. I excitedly turned on his show (1/6)
Rush said: "I hope this company is a case study in MBA programs on how socialism does not work, because it’s gonna fail."

I was completely devastated. My dad said he thought Rush got this one wrong. But it was a huge blow and led to a flood of hate-mail against me. (2/6)
Rush turned out to be right: we were a MBA case study. Harvard Business School concluded the $70k min wage was a huge success. Our revenue tripled. Retention and productivity skyrocketed. We were featured as success stories everywhere from the BBC to the New York Times. (3/6)
Rush incorrectly described our company - saying everyone would make $70k, when in reality only me and a few new employees do. It's a min wage. It's not socialism, and he knew that.

He never agreed to have me on to give my side. He never did an updated story on our success. (4/6)
To this day, his listeners assume we failed. One of the top auto-complete Google searches for our company is "out of business."

I've had 5 years to tell our story and prove him wrong, but most people who are crushed with misinformation don't have that luxury. (5/6)
I'm sad Rush Limbaugh died, and my thoughts are with his family. I know it's a sad day for a lot of people. But I'm not sad that his show is over. My little story of crossing paths with him was one segment among thousands of episodes. He hurt a lot of people with his words. (6/6)
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