Summary of what is happening in Oromia, Ethiopia

In 2018, prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali was placed in power to have a transitional government after #Oromoprotest took down a regime that lasted for 27 years under TPLF.
The long four years of suffering to take down a regime only to have another one looming around. As soon as, Abiy entered the office he masqueraded his true intention to manipulate and control the mass.

Abiy Ahmed Ali invited exiled opposition political parties to Ethiopia in-
2018 not to allow fair and free political competition but to put them under his control and deceive the international community that he is a democrat. For that, he gained massive support and even signed a “peace treaty” with Eritrea to con the public and eventually got him to win
Nobel Peace Prize. The treaty only resulted in a collaboration with Isais Aferwerki: the president of Eritrea to commit domestic war.

At the beginning of 2019, slowly the prime minister started to arrest anyone who opposed his views. Later, he started to wage a war in the-
Wallaga and Guji zone of Oromia, Ethiopia. Hundred of people were targeted and killed by the Ethiopian security forces commanded by the prime minister.

In October 2019, the Abiy administration attempted assassination on Jawar Mohammed (OFC candidate) to secure his upcoming
election but failed to murder him his home. It was reported that assassins “surrounded his house in the capital, Addis Ababa, following claims of an assassination plot against him.” Fortunately, Jawar’s security guard protected him until the end.

The power abuse continued with-
this current administration that said it would bring change.

With the excuse of trying to eliminate OLF(Oromo Liberation Front) whom they labeled as “Shanee” or “terrorist” group, they shut down the internet access to continue their human rights abuses. Bodies were torn in-
bushes, pregnant mothers and little children also getting shot by the government forces.

The Abiy administration created propaganda about “missing girls” to further his vicious plan to ruin the reputation of OLF and have the justification to torture, kill, and arrest anyone-
they see on the street or even invade people’s home and destroy it with no explanation.

By 2020, the Abiy administration's power abuse worsens. Rape, extrajudicial executions, imprisonment, and burning poor farmers' livelihood and homes. With all this happening in Ethiopia,-
there was little to no media coverage.

The severity of Abiy’s thirst for power kept escalating and even removed and killed the people working with him.

Sadly, on June 29, 2020, he hired another hitman to kill an influential and most beloved artist Haacaaluu Hundessaa.-
This caused an immediate uproar all over Oromia. At least 50 people were killed in Ethiopia's Oromia region in protests
Protests reflecting anger at the killing of a popular figure and a sense of political marginalization broke out the next morning in the capital and other towns-
and cities in the surrounding Oromia region. Hundreds number of people got killed and some businesses had also been set on fire.

Ultimately, the government used this opportunity to arrest Jawar Mohammed and Bekele Gerba (hundreds of oromo political prisoners were arrested) for-
for the crimes they did not commit. They convicted Jawar Mohammed of “terrorism.”

Now, Oromo political prisoners have been on a hunger strike for 3 straight weeks, with no food, no water, and lack of basic needs regarding their health that is deteriorating. These political-
prisoners are in jail by the Ethiopian dictator @AbiyAhmedAli. The government wouldn't allow them to get proper treatment and arrest their private doctors who advised the security to allow them to receive treatment.

Major protests are breaking out in Oromia to demand justice-
for their leader across Oromia. The Oromia forces controlled by the dictator Abiy started gunning down students at protests. Every day new arrests and death occur in Ethiopia under Abiy’s command.

The international community must condemn these evil acts and the ongoing-
human rights violations against innocent people. Please use your voice to spread awareness and reach out to others. Silence is violence itself. Please share and speak on it. #OromoProtests @hrw @AJEnglish @SahanJournal @Reuters @amnestyusa @FBedaso
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