I’m glad Rush Limbaugh is dead. I’m glad. If you are a good person, you shouldn’t be ashamed to feel the same way. (1/6)
I’ll tell you why. In our hearts, we don’t wish death on anyone for being “not good enough” to our morality. This is because we don’t *presume* evil exists in ppl we don’t believe are entirely good (contrast with how Trumpers regard ANY Democrat or even courageous Republican).
But we also shouldn’t mourn evil people when they finally meet the end of the time we’ve allowed them to infect our society and harm the innocent.
What we should be mourning is the time it takes for an evil person to finally face their final justice. Evil always desires to reveal itself, and will do so the moment it becomes strong enough to get away with it.
Demanding respect be paid to these monsters in death—respect those monsters never deserved or offered in life—THAT is what is immoral, not your mere expression of a rightful sense of relief you feel.
Every day the whims of fate continue to honor Donald Trump with mortal existence is nothing less than a tragedy for those who have been made to suffer for his life. He will not be given undeserved reverence when his time comes either, just like Limbaugh today.

And I’ll be glad.
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