@CubesCrypto so what is it really? Just another collectibles project? All you need to know 👇 https://twitter.com/CryptoBeverage/status/1362119535243890689?s=20
1/ CryptoCubes is the 1st ever 3D collectibles project of its kind with an inherent use case in the metaverse, conceived by @Hanrgb in Sept 2020. There are 3 rarity traits - Volume, Shape, and Color - with many members in the community loving their CryptoCube for their beauty.
2/ Quick stats:

- 254 total supply (2 burned)

- 114 unique owners

- 6 CryptoCubes in the @NFTX_ $CUBES fund

- ~$81,000 in liquidity ($CUBES-$ETH on Uniswap)

- 15 ETH is the current floor for CryptoCubes

- 51.8 ETH/week in secondary sales for the last 2 months
3/ Quick sanity check:

CryptoPunks have a conservative ~100,000 ETH ($190mm) market cap now with the floor price at ~10 ETH.

If CryptoCubes are worth even 1/10 of that, each CryptoCube would be worth at least 40 ETH. And not FA, but it will be worth even more than that. Why?👇
4.1/ CryptoCubes are the *1st ever* 3D collectibles with an inherent metaverse use case.

People are sleeping on how important the metaverse will be as the current focus is on NFT art, collectibles, and games.

Where will art/collectibles be displayed?
Games be played?

Where do all those things intersect?
- The metaverse.

Where do institutions & companies make their presence in NFTs?
- The metaverse.

What are CryptoCubes for & where do they shine?
- The metaverse.

*Pictured: CryptoCube #80 near @rariblecom HQ in DCL
5.1/ Anon: "That sounds great and all, but 15 ETH is too expensive."

@CubesCrypto launched a $CUBES fund on @NFTX_ last week that has been under the radar. You can purchase any amount of $CUBES you want to start getting involved/ invested in this ever-growing project.
5.2/ Remember: 1 $CUBES = 1 CryptoCube

You can mint $CUBES by providing CryptoCubes to the $CUBES fund and redeem from it as well.

Right now the price of 1 $CUBES is at 11.9 ETH (quite below the 15 ETH floor price 👀)
5.1/ Some upcoming catalysts:

- CryptoCubes @decentraland files available Feb 20th

- @niftygateway Drop on Apr 9th (1st artist is @FilipHodas with more to be announced in the coming weeks 👀)

- On-chain migration & new website with nft42 and help from @j1mmyeth 🙏

- CryptoCubes Gallery Opening (in Decentraland with other metaverse integrations up & coming 👀)

- Exhibition (Paris- French Paper Art Gallery) + Physical Prints (for CryptoCube owners)
7/ The roadmap for this project is insane and doesn't end with just the catalysts above. So get in on the action while you still can 😉

Of course, none of this is FA, but HFSP otherwise 🤪
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