Pipe is hiring one product/frontend engineer.

Email zain at pipe dot com or DM to apply.

Here's why you should consider it.
(1/11) Incredible team. Pedigree doesn't matter, and doesn't tell the whole story though but for a tweet, it'll have to do. Rough product/eng team breakdown.

~30% YCombinator alum
~30% Stripe alum
~30% Plaid alums
~10% Mercenary craftspeople.
(2/11) Low-ego, no-corporate-kool-aid, inclusive culture. We don't have a list of values. We're just a group of people passionate about doing our best work. If I had to choose a few words, it would include rapid iteration, humble, customer-centric, kind, willing to stir the pot.
(3/11) Extreme ownership. At Pipe, you're not told what to do after your first few months. We're hoping you tell us once you know the ropes.
(4/11) World-class developer ergonomics. Our team does not tolerate slow deploys or builds, weird deploy mechanics, etc. DM @peterldowns for details.
(5/11) Work with the best product person I know, @joshmangel. One thing I love about Josh is that he began as a hacker years ago. It's special when the person coming up with your product roadmap understands the underlying data model, builds in React, etc. Underrated to have this.
(6/11) We have the business team to realize the value of our product & technology lead by @harryhurst. Never have I worked with a business team so capable of leveraging the stuff our product/technology team builds into real customers and value.
(7/11) Employee-friendly compensation. I've personally gotten stock options from multiple companies that were acquired, IPO'd, etc. and frankly, it all was wack. At Pipe we do things differently. Should you get an offer, you'll get all of the details.
(8/11) A diversity of opinions. Some of our team may even read this and have totally different thoughts and ideas. That's the fun of it! We all think differently. Each team member adds a new perspective.
(9/11) Lastly, we're a small product/eng team (7 engineers, 3 starting later this year, 2 designers). You'll never see us bragging about 3x'ing headcount. We take pride in keeping the team small.
(10/11) Our stack is next.js / typescript, golang, postgresql.
(11/11) Also follow/DM @simplyianm @bnynn @brandontle @DylanMacalinao @JernJohan @peterldowns @schuch_s to learn more about what working at Pipe is like on product/engineering (not everyone on the whole team is on Twitter).
(12/11) You also get to work with @simplyianm who leads the product eng. team. Ian is special bc he has launched dozens of MVPs, exited a company, raised VC capital from Coinbase/YC. One successful product is a fluke, but a track record means he has much to teach. Amazing human.
You can follow @zallarak.
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