Dear Collective: Everyone needs to be paying attention to what’s happening in Texas right now. MILLIONS of ppl are currently without power, water, and heat. Just because it’s not happening in your local area, does not mean you shouldn’t be taking heed to what’s going on. (Cont)
Currently, Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius while Saturn in Aquarius (the planet of restriction) is being challenged by Uranus (the planet of unpredictability) in Taurus (the sign of our resources, energy, + power). (Cont)
There has never been a more important time to think about self sustainability + sovereignty. This is about SURVIVAL. Historically, the last time Uranus was in Taurus was during the Great Depression. To say our resources are in jeopardy right now would be an understatement. (Cont)
The ppl (Aquarius) need to prepare. This is spiritual warfare + the plan is to keep most of you in fear. The real question is, why do Americans not know how to survive on our own? The reason is because we’ve been reliant on a system/government that does not care about us. (Cont)
EVERY astrologer should be talking about self sustainability right now. The ppl should be making plans to buy land + learn how to grow + build their own resources. Do you have a power generator, a water filter, an emergency kit? If not, ask yourself why. (Cont)
Let’s also not forget that the sign Aquarius is about humanity and building connections with the collective. The North Node (which represents purpose) is also in the sign of Gemini (which represents community). (Cont)
Do you know your neighbors? Have you been building relationships with people within your community? Who can you call on during a time of crisis? Independence is great but what happens when you actually need to lean on someone in a time of need? Ppl need ppl. Period.
Affirm: I am manifesting self sustainability for myself + my community.
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