I feel like "acting on pedophilia is evil but experiencing pedophilic attraction is an illness and ill people should be given help" is a pretty milquetoast take? Hating someone for their mental illness, *irrespective of their actions,* is shitty and ablest.
Of course, it is entirely reasonable to be *wary* of someone by virtue of their personality disorder, and it is entirely understandable--and morally neutral, imo--to have a strong fear/hate/trauma response if you have associated trauma (and Dima kinda missed/didnt attend to that)
But if you are committed to the stance that we should hate people with pedophilic attractions, even if they want to seek help, even if they are trying to repress it, and even if they haven't acted on it, I just don't understand.
*everyone* deserves to be treated like a full human, *especially* people with conditions that incline them to evil acts, e.g., pedophiles, people with antisocial personality disorders, etc. It's important that we hold to our principles even in cases that stretch them.
tl;dr: child molestation evil; pedophiles sick (not evil if they don't act on it); sick people should be helped; very weird ablest vibes coming from this whole discussion
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