Twitter Spaces is coming to Android Hawes in March, says twitter’s @Mr_DannySingh @TwitterSpaces
- space descriptions coming soon
- fixes for audio issues in spaces
- spaces have no fixed size. Max size is in the millions if needed
- scheduling spaces is being worked on
- Another 1000 users being added to spaces tomo
- no plans for any invites features for spaces beta
- lots of discussion about replaying spaces (recording) but is a complicated one
- spaces team focussing on 1. Stability, 2. Discovery of new spaces, 3. Monetisation for creators
- ability to make private spaces is on roadmap
- ability to have Twitter staff internal spaces feature has been worked on
- @kayvz says there is no limit to size of spaces (number of listeners)
- Limit of 11 speakers in a space
- @kayvz says the big product issue with spaces and other audio platforms right now is a recording or replay feature
- scaling periscope has helped in work on Twitter spaces says @kayvz
- giving users the right controls for spaces has learnings taken from building periscope
- transcriptions feature in spaces already exists and working
- feedback of transcriptions not working perfectly for some accents
- NEW in-app self service Twitter verification feature launching in next few months ( @kayvz)
- spaces will get scheduling features within weeks (is on space’s near-term product features roadmap list)
- ability to view ALL listeners in a room will be shipped next week
- no plans for ‘clubs’ like clubhouse
- @kayvz teases incoming feature which will impact the whole Twitter experience (coming soon)
- @kayvz says he knows creators are craving metrics and analytics for spaces and they are thinking about it too. Twitter card metrics for spaces could a starter
- spaces team prioritisation for product is 1.iOS, 2. Android, 3. Web
- @kayvz mentions future plans for a Spaces API
- @spaces third-party apps and tools via API for creating or managing spaces etc would be cool says @kayvz
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