I just read a comment that BH ruined Hobi's birthday with the announcement that will make him and the rest of BTS be able to focus on their music more while earning MORE money through their dividends from shares! Never have I heard when a business sells more, shareholders cry! 🤓
The only people who should be crying now are their competitors, shitty journalists who treated the boys badly and K-poppies! Why are ya'll crying? I bet BTS are popping champagne right now! Congratulations, BTS for yet another successful year! Looking forward to 2021 💜 #BTSARMY
Right now, BTS is 80% income generator for BH! That means, they are responsible for paying 80% of operating cost for BH which includes salaries, benefits, and all other expenses! Ya'll whine about them overworking and whine when BH finds other ways to pay bills! What do ya want?
And ANYONE who thinks BTS will EVER be less important to BH, is (pardon the language) a effing moron! BTS = ARMY!
Without BTS, a lot of us would go back to our lives! That's what these labels signed! Ya'll think they'd give a eff if BTS didn't sell everything they touched? 🤓💜
I highly suggest ya'll go get a business education and/or a job and even better, BOTH!
Businesses need to generate profits to PAY their employees! Never have I heard ya'll whine when western company sign contracts! Is it only Asians getting successful bother ya'll? 🙄💜
From artistic growth perspective, note how BTS are doing High profile local collabs! Now, they don't NEED collabs! Collabs NEED BTS! But you know what is the BIGGEST barrier between locals and BTS? The stigma made by Big 3 on K-Pop! BTS fought their WHOLE career to fight it! 💜
If an International company gets their artists to arrange collabs, it would smash the door all shitheads kept closed on them with a sledgehammer! It will benefit the artists in terms of music sell (because ARMY buy), and it will make BTS mainstream even locals can't deny! 💜
You know what Dynamite did? Do ya want that to be an one time thing?
If next time a collab happens and it has Korean lyrics, then possibility of nominations for songs with KOREAN lyrics, possibility of Artist 200, Producer list with BTS on it! We don't even have Social 50 now 😕
Not to mention, I bet these companies have people on Grammy board! Now there's is no guarantee that they will vote for our boys! But if they want ARMY clout and money because BTS cha-ching like money, I bet they will think twice before sabotaging our boys! 🤓💜
Mantis have only one job! And we need to let the boys do THEIR job which is managing their OWN life, relationships and career! 🤓💜👇 #BTSARMY https://twitter.com/moonjoonvu/status/1362187725185683460?s=20
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