Fundamentals about $luna & #mir & anchor in one thread (previous two large threads combined in one new one).

How to buy & why buy/hold. (11 tweet thread)

How to buy:

-buy $luna on binance
-download terra station wallet
-make a wallet with ledger/seedphrase
- transfer luna to the wallet
- stake luna with a delegator (choose one with 100% uptime from the dozens listed there)
-luna staking rewards on terra station are paid out in terra´s stablecoins, krt, ust etc
-under ´swap´ on terra station, you can change these
stablecoins in luna, or any other terra asset (mir, ust, etc)
- if you ´swap´ your rewards into luna, you can than delegate them as well
- once you stake luna you can claim mir free airdrop weekly in 2021
-when mir-airdrop?how much?Check this website 
- to claim mir, install terra chrome extension
- open terra chrome extension and import/create wallet
- with chrome extension wallet open, every week go to  website
- you will see a balloon that says ´claim mir´
- claim your mir airdrop
- stake that mir on the governance page of mirror website (not on terra station) or change in ust
- you can also buy massets with ust and provide liquidity
- To do that: buy an masset with 50%, and with 50% ust provide liquidity.
-providing liquidity will give you LP as rewards
-Lp you can stake at the bottom of ´my page´ on mirror website.
-For staking LP you also receive mir rewards which you can claim anytime
-Every week you can claim your mir airdrop, and any time you want you can re-stake your mir rewards on mirror website
Why buy/hold?

-undervalued assets in a crypto bullmarket
-real life application of blockchain in Asia through chai
-major crypto funds (galaxy, pantera, coinbase) onboard
-Anchor lending/saving defi protocol coming 1st quarter 2021
-where do you think all these techy reddit kids/traders will go trading in the future once they get tired of Wall Street or hammered by a bearmarket in stocks?Crypto and synthetic assets,bullish for $mir(trading platform synthetics)
-novogratz bought ether at 0.5$, $luna as well
- 50% passive returns if you combine staking $luna $mir massets lp, with weekly airdrops of $mir and re-stake all every week
- anchor protocol will provide fixed interest rate on stablecoins, while not relying on
the unstable value of other cryptocoins as collateral
-anchor airdrop coming for all luna stakers
-anchor&mir platforms will incease the demand for ust,as a result increase the need to burn more luna for ust, decreasing the supply of luna available&boosting its price
-Exceptional fundamentals & potential of prise increase very high
You can follow @Tim_4444.
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