
Reading comments, I see your questions, frustrations, and even anger about the vaccine distribution process, I hear you, and I feel that way too.

Seniors shouldn't have to be hitting refresh all day on 5 different websites looking for an appointment.
Fire fighters, health care workers, teachers and people with serious health conditions should not have to wait for their vaccine while other states move to the 1B phase.
The fact is, on a per capita basis, Chester County has not been receiving the vaccine doses we accounted for. Right now PA is near the bottom in vaccines from the Federal Government and Chester County is 22nd (per capita) while having 6th largest population.
That's simply unacceptable. The ChesCo Community is now, and has alway been, committed to looking out for each other and following the rules.
Our 7 day positivity rate is down to 3.8% (regional low), and our confirmed cases are lower than even our more rural neighbors like Lancaster County. Our county employees have been working tirelessly to mobilize vaccine distribution.
But we can't distribute something that never arrives.
I was hired by residents of this community to advocate on your behalf. That is my job. Right now, that means doing everything I can to get more vaccines to our County.
But it also means make it known to the folks who distribute vaccines that Chester County deserves better and the way this is going is not working.
We need to see improvements on how vaccines are distributed in Pennsylvania.
We need more vaccines going to the providers and health care systems that have the ability to track and distribute the vaccines equitably and quickly. During the past 7 days, we've had the opportunity to share our request for improvements with relevant levels of the State govt.
Thank you to our bipartisan group of legislators from our state delegation for also sending a letter jointly on our behalf.
I hope and often pray that improvements at the state level are imminent and that the Chester County residents that are most at risk get the vaccines they deserve.
And even if those PA-wide improvements are long in coming, I will be working hard every day to hear your questions, give you what answers I can, and advocate tirelessly for you.
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