Hey friends I saw something on the TL that was ableist about DID and I figured I'd educate you singlets (people without DID) on this so you can fully see why they are wrong and how they are being ableist to people with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Please RT this 4 education!
So i'm going to start with this screenshot here. Let me explain the problem with this. Factives, if you didn't know, stand for factional introjects. They are alters that are formed from something in real life, in the case of factives it is a real person that is the source.
Fictives, or fictional introjects are similar, but with fictives they are sourced from fictional sources like books or movies. The reason people form fictives (or any alter for that matter) as a response to trauma and extreme stress. The reason some of these alters are formed
from real sources is because the brain SUBCONSCIOUSLY decides it needs the traits of said person. Like for example, if I had a fictive from a superhero movie, I could have formed that alter because I needed a strong brave hero to survive. For factives, it would be like
if someone in my life like let's say my grandmother was very caring and gentle and my brain might decide it needs a caring and gentle person to help me survive from trauma. Factives can also come from famous people and youtubers, not just people you know in real life.
It's important to note you CANT control forming a factive or fictive, just like you can't control forming any other alter that aren't sourced from something in the world. You didn't chose to say have a tommyinnit alter for shits and giggles. You would form one because of stress
and trauma. Your brain would subconsciously decide it needs this person to survive, and so it creates an alter sourced and based around that person. It would make since your brain would look from things in media and your world for what it needs!
Now the alter knows they aren't the actual tommyinnit, and the system knows they don't have the actual tommyinnit and their head, but it is really invalidating to the alter to hear that, as some factives are attached to their sources. They can even have "memories" of being tommy
and in the innerworld they look and sound like tommyinnit. It's not a choice for them to be that way, it's just who they are! It's not something an alter decides to identify as for fun, its their WHOLE identity and their sense of self. They aren't projecting anything onto Tommy.
Well no shit forming alters isn't a healthy coping mechanism. Dissociative Identity Disorder exists from unhealthy coping response to trauma, but it is a SURVIVAL MECHANISM. People CANNOT control forming a new alter and people don't WANT new alters. Ignoring alters is even WORSE
thing to do just because the formation of alters and having a fragmented brain is unhealthy. Alters have their own sense of identity, their own issues, wants, desires, sexualities, appearances, and ages. They are like that for a REASON. The brain subconsciously split like that
FOR A REASON! Factives and fictives are MEDICALLY PROVEN. It's not made up for shits and giggles, and it makes sense why the brain would look into media and things the system is consuming for forming a new part. It is a SUBCONSCIOUS decision tho.
Another thing is there is NO parasocial relationship formed whenever a system splits a factive of say a mcytber like tommyinnit. The system knows they aren't going to magically be pals with tommyinnit irl because they have a split of him, we aren't delusional.
That would make no sense. There is no parasocial relationship because while the factive IS tommyinnit, it's not like we are forming any more of a bond with the real Tommy. Systems know we aren't friends with him because we have an alter of him. That's not how it works.
This is just ableist language. Shaming someone for something they cannot control. This is just downright nasty and mean. Also no one is PRETENDING to be a factive of tommy, they ARE a factive of tommy. No one wants to have a factive or fictive. It's shamed by many singlets.
I did not want to share with anyone I had a Dream factive for a long time because of how ableist people are towards systems about having them, and shaming them for having factives and fictives. This SHAMING is so normalized in the community. It is downright ableist.
NO ONE CHOOSES to form alters that are fictives or factives, just like how they don't choose in general to form any part. If creators were shaming people for having factives of them, that is abeliest. While I understand it might be hard to understand, that would still be abelism.
Like I said before. NO ONE is saying forming alters is a healthy coping mechanism. Being fragmented is clearly not healthy. However, denying alters their existence and treating them like they don't exist makes it WORSE and encourages further dissocation. Alters DESERVE to b heard
and listened to. There's no REAL ONE. We are all real just as real as the host. And the personality was developed of the person SUBCONSCIOUSLY. Introjects are a SCIENTIFIC FACT of DID!
Tw // abuse for this part
DID is formed by trauma. Some trauma can involve abuse, and so an introject aka "Factive" of an abuser IS possible. No one wants an introject of their abuser, and no alter would WANT to pretend to be an abuser. These alters exist because they may
internally keep the abuse going, even if the abuser is dead. These alters will look, sound, and act like their abusive source. They are not PRETENDING to be an abuser. Thats just illogical. They're not healthy YES but they are REAL and scientifical. They need to work thru
their trauma just as much as any other alter in a system. They are just as real as any other alter. They are not PRETENDING. It's not HEALTHY yes but what is when it comes to DID? still shouldn't be shamed for it and being told ur not real or you don't exist.
Alters are NOT just the host. They have needs that need to be dealt with in therapy just as much as the host. They need to be respected as an individual, not like a whole ass different human, but a separate individual with their own identity.
This is just extremely DANGEROUS advice. Sure yes, my alters aren't like walking around in the real world as different people, they're still in my body, but they deserve their own voice to PROPERLY process trauma as a WHOLE for your WHOLE system.
This ableism is so normalized it's not even blinked about when people straight up shame alters for existing because they HAD to. Please RT and spread awareness mcyttwt !
I am a DIDmcytuber and and I'd appreciate ur support as well if u want to sub https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAVLe4D5_eELj6alYtUlQg
Please note this goes for OSDD as well (OSDD is like DID but usually ppl get diagnosed with OSDD because they are missing the amnesia component to have DID (OSDD-1B) or they are missing complex developed parts (OSDD-1A)
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