Okay so I read the article. Good lord what a steaming pile of special pleading disingenuous garbage. Here’s one emblematic example from the part where Glenn claims it’s ‘propaganda’ to call it ... https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1361838339020718082
2/ an ‘armed insurrection.’ Here’s the logic. “That protesters were found before and after the riot with weapons does not mean they intended to use them as part of the protest.” So just because they had weapons when they were doing the insurrection doesn’t mean it’s ...
3/ an armed insurrection. It’s way too big a leap to say it was an armed insurrection. There’s no causal connection! Lol. Of course Glenn’s big push is Sicknick Trutherism, where he goes whole hog with the white nationalist site that got it started.
4/ Glenn’s fast and loose flim flam is worth some momentary unpacking. As Glenn would have it news reports had Sicknick brutally murdered with his head bashed in. Sloppy interested journalists used this to discredit the stop the steal movement and their insurrection.
5/ But now it turns out the whole story was fake and the liberal media won’t come clean. This is shall we say a rather distorted take on the story. From the very beginning there were two versions, significantly contradictory, of how Sicknick died. One had him ...
6/ struck on the head with a fire extinguisher. Another had him engaging with protectors, going back to his office and then later collapsing. One can sort of wrench these stories together. But again, they’re not really consistent. And they both originate from the first ...
7/ reports of Sicknick’s death. We still don’t know enough about how Sicknick died. And that is part of a larger story and failure of the relevant authorities to update the public on their investigations. From the limited reporting what seems clear that investigators don’t ...
8/ know exactly what or who killed Sicknick. The clearest evidence of that is the fact that no one has been charged with his death. But to Glenn the whole thing was a fake and totally discredited. But remember. Sicknick is actually dead. And as I explained ...
10/ For Glenn either Sicknick was “brutally murdered” and left for dead on the floor or basically nothing happened. It is not uncommon for people to get head injuries which seem unremarkable and then later have blood clots which kill them. The relevant fact is that ...
11/ Sicknick died as a direct result of the insurrection. Just because we don’t know the exact cause of death doesn’t materially change that. It is also worth noting that we have very detailed and confirmed accounts of other officers who suffered severe bearings ...
12/ which easily could have been fatal but weren’t. One officer was severely beaten, lost consciousness and suffered a heart attack as a result of the beating. Another was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher. There’s video of it. Just the video isn’t of Sicknick.
13/ It’s of yet another officer who was the victim of a violent assault that could have easily been fatal but wasn’t. Let’s focus on the core issue here. Glenn has glommed on to a story by a white nationalist website which claims that Sicknick was cremated as part ...
14/ of a cover-up to discredit the MAGA movement. That’s Glenn’s source. Based on uncertainty or confusion about Sicknick’s exact cause of death he’s laundered the whole insurrection into a largely peaceful sit in that has been maliciously defamed to advance the ...
15/ interests of neoliberalism. As is now always the case with Glenn, his embittered animus toward mainstream Democrats or really anyone who doesn’t embrace the tenets of Glennism leads him to happily embrace authoritarians, dictators, racists, fascists, revanchist ...
16/ nationalist parties, really anyone if they can in any way be helpful in making the case that the real threat to democracy, human rights, transparency, your comfortable couch or freedom is Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
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