I know that the Twitterverse is waiting with bated breath for my epic thread about Why Rush Limbaugh's Grave Is Unworthy of My Urine, and I do not aim to disappoint lol. But on a more serious note...
All of my moral, spiritual, social, and political beliefs can be summarized with one sentence: if you exist in this world, and you aren't actively, intentionally harming anyone else, you deserve to live happily, in peace, and with dignity.
Rush Limbaugh has spent his entire career actively, intentionally harming other people. In fact, this desire to actively, intentionally harm people is THE ONLY REASON I KNOW HE EXISTS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Let's time travel back to 1993, when I was a 12-year-old Black kid in East Flatbush who loved rock and roll, reading the liner notes to Nirvana's "Incesticide" compilation. In these liner notes, I read the following words from the band's leader, Kurt Cobain:
"If any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of different color, or women, please do this one favor for us—leave us the fuck alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records."

You can imagine how those words helped change my life in a positive way.
Here was the leader of arguably the biggest rock band in the world at the time, using his platform to purge the racists from his fanbase and welcome people like me into it.

Up to that point, I'd never actually seen a White man make a statement like that in my lifetime.
My abusive Black ex-stepfather called the music I loved "crazy White folks' suicide music."

Most of my White classmates either left me out of their discussions of the bands that I *also* liked, or condescended to me as if I didn't know more about rock and roll than they did.
In my actual neighborhood, though - not in my home, nor in the private school I attended at the time - Nirvana was the ONLY rock band any Black or Latinx kid had time for; we ALL agreed that they ruled.
Because of such, Kurt Cobain going out of his way to alienate racists greatly mattered to me.

When he died the next year, I cried as if I'd lost a friend...because, on a musical and symbolic level, I really did.
The day after Kurt Cobain's death, I heard about this talk radio host who had the GOTDAMN NERVE to call Kurt "a worthless shred of human debris."

That radio host was Rush Limbaugh. I didn't even know he EXISTED before that day, but I immediately wanted to fight him.
So that's how I found out about Rush Limbaugh: he insulted a White man who tangibly changed my life for the better.

I started reading about the things Rush Limbaugh said about gay people, about Black people, about women, about every group of people Kurt Cobain mentioned and defended in the liner notes of "Incesticide."

I quickly realized that Rush was an enemy on an EXISTENTIAL level.
Not only was Rush was an enemy on an existential level, he also MADE HIS LIVING off of being one.

Hating and insulting me and everyone like me paid this man's bills. Hate and insult kept him alive for seven decades.
I can't repeat this often enough: I only know Rush Limbaugh exists because he insulted a decent person.

I don't care how rich, famous, or powerful you are: if the purpose of your VERY FIRST APPEARANCE in my life is to dis me or the people I care about, GTFO immediately.
That rule applies to everyone from politicians to SoundCloud rappers to social media trolls who pop up on my feeds like the Kool-Aid man to argue about nothing.

If I only know you exist because you're hateful, I'd rather not know you at all.
At least I know about Kurt Cobain because he created something cool, and he stood up for somebody in a meaningful way.

You can't say that about Rush Limbaugh unless you, too, are an asshole.

I'll save my urine for a toilet, because it's unworthy of his grave.
This thread has already garnered at least one reply that I can't actually see because it violates Twitter's rules and policies.


If that isn't proof of RL's legacy, I don't know what is lol
I know I keep adding to this thread, but bear with me.

I have a (White, male) friend who just got disowned by BOTH of his parents today because he made a Facebook post criticizing Rush Limbaugh. His post wasn’t even half as harsh as my tweets.

This, too, is RL’s legacy.
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