I wholeheartedly agree with virtually all of the sincere sentiments expressed in this thread. We should be proud of the fine work and incredible dedication of the talented people who worked at the Lincoln Project, as Ryan describes. That said, .... https://twitter.com/ryan_n_wiggins/status/1362049003354025989
... there must still be accountability and transparency for the handling of the Weaver fiasco, as well as of LP'a finances. And the fact that so many who worked so hard for LP are now calling for this should not considered "pettiness" or a "vendetta." https://twitter.com/ryan_n_wiggins/status/1362050883178102787?s=21
Indeed, the people who gave their time, energy, and money to the organization are owed that accountability and transparency, and the Lincoln Project would best honor them by providing it to them.
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