The funny thing is: I have ZERO debt outside of school loans. I don’t have a credit card, I rent so have no mortgage, and I pay cash for my cars (which is why they’re always breaking down and I’ve had to buy about 8 of them in the past probably 10 years).
The only so called ‘unwise’ decision I’ve made when it comes to loans is the one that I was told and I believed was actually an investment rather than a loan. I, as entire generation was, was told ‘nobody can get a job without college degree.’
So I took out the loans and made the best of it. Then recessions hit and more recessions and bubbles burst and Michigan is always Michigan and every place I’ve ever worked has been one step away from losing funding and then covid hit-
And all the businesses that made their investments and saw them collapse got help—while me and my friends and family and community first lost our houses and then our jobs and then our health/lives and now are drowning under medical and school ‘investments.’
I want to know why my failed ‘investment’ is a ‘personal choice’ and the auto industry, or the bank industry, or Wall Street or any of the corporations that have been bailed out isn’t.
And I say that I have zero debt outside of school loans not to point to my goodness. But rather to say- the little trick they like to pull on people with student loans is that they’re irresponsible individuals that make irresponsible choices that just want—
Hardworking tax payers to give them free stuff. And while yes, I love free stuff, esp free medical care, the reality is people take out student loans bcz they’re told it’s an investment in their future. It’s a way out. Or: it’s poor/working class people doing the loan taking.
And it doesn’t matter if they’re going to elite universities or local shlub state school (I went to local state school that is called elite—where does that put me?), they’re working class people that got fucked.
And they got *systemically* fucked. The ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ students. The responsible and irresponsible. The hard working and the lazy dogs. All of us got fucked. By being poor and investing in a scam that Joe Biden helped create.
By being poor and daring to believe there could be a way out of being poor.
I just want people to know that there is no dichotomy of ‘good student’ that worked hard and was responsible and never took out a loan Versus ‘bad student’ that took out all the loans and never worked and spent money on prostitutes and weed.
There is a dichotomy of students that had to take out loans and students that didn’t. And the students that had to take out loans have to compete against kids with parents that can pay half a million dollar bribes to get their kids admitted.
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