The 12th House and Sabotage.

The most common weapon of the secret enemy is rarely ever revenge, but sabotage. And when this house is shared in the realm of the subconscious, what does that say of the self?

(Thank you @Heauxno1currr for the thread idea).
All 12th House Placements are a bit more prone to self sabotage than their counterparts, as they're so wrapped up in the immaterial, conceptual world that they love - or loathe - that the material parts of their world suffer.
This can be friends, family, finances, or health.
The way this primarily presents itself as self-sabotage depends on a number of things:

1. The House Ruler & Sign
2. The Planets Within
3. How all those planets are aspected
4. The disposition of your 6th House
You may ask why the 6th House is so important here, and it's a valid question.

The 6th House is what will help you recognize your behaviors, take care of yourself better, implement routine, and snap you out of your subconscious.

When we ignore the 6H, we look like this scene.
So, as always, find the sign of you 12H and it's associated planet to see it's ruler:

Aries & Scorpio: Mars
Taurus & Libra: Venus
Gemini & Virgo: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Sagittarius & Pisces: Jupiter
Capricorn & Aquarius: Saturn
Sun in/ruling the 12th:

These people are the most prone to self sabotage, as their egos are entirely wrapped up in the condition of their subconscious. Even in Air Signs, the ego can still be majorly afflicted by the emotions of the individual, which can result in self-loathing.
Moon in/ruling the 12th:

These people are similar to the Sun, but it can be much rougher & doesn't just include the self esteem.
These people can feel completely victimize by their emotions, and ruin everything they've worked hard for out of a moment of anger or fear.
Mercury in/ruling the 12th:

These people tend to tell others much of what is going on in their head, and exposing their subconscious in a "objective" way.
This often results in rumors being spread by others, esp when the Mercury native isn't clear w/ their words.
Venus in/ruling the 12th:

These people suffer from self-sabotage the least, other than who they choose to keep around.
They tend to attract those who need healing, but refuse to recognize it. They refuse to seek better individuals, resulting in their own downfall.
Mars in/ruling the 12th:

These people can be completely encompassed by their rage, and it often results in what they've built for so long to crumbling down.
The smallest things can set them off, and they're people who tend to bottle their anger until they explode.
Jupiter in/ruling the 12th:

If you have another planet here, it exasperates it.
Otherwise, it can make any downfall of the subconscious feel like a tower moment. And while it can help make the inner world great, it can also make one's worries, anger, or sadness crippling.
Saturn in/ruling the 12th:

In it's Joy, Saturn hides a lot of the subconscious. It keeps one from delving so deep that they don't see the world around them, and limits the ability to self sabotage.
The most difficult thing here is over-discipline, and not digging deep enough.
Uranus in the 12th:

These people will have spontaneous moments of self reflection & may randomly sabotage themselves due to their behaviors.
Self Punishment is quick but cruel.

They may also have addictive personalities that lead them to quitting cold turkey from their behavior
**Uranus in the 12th is not indicative of addiction. Astrology cannot predict mental illnesses, like addiction, but behavioral patterns.
Addictive Personalities are not a mental illness, and thus can be predicted upon. This does not indicate debilitating behavior, either.
Neptune in the 12th:

These people don't take things seriously, and sabotage themselves by thinking the consequences do not apply to them. (Also true of Jupiter 12th).
This could be through drugs/drinking/gambling, or even just things like being disloyal, or undisciplined.
*Once again want to disclaim, this isn't pointing to addiction to these items, but the consequences that may come with them.
Drinking & drugs can lead to bad decisions, and gambling can bring great losses.
Pluto in the 12th:

These people often fear the depths of their subconscious. (True for Mars 12H, too).
They tend to feel that there is something lurking on the edges, and either escape it (neglecting the mind/mental health), or obsess over it (overthinking).
Chiron in the 12th:

These natives tend to find that much of their trauma is deeply repressed. They may find they have repressed memories, or just a tendency to forget overall.
In terms of sabotage, it tends to be an action done so deeply subconscious that it requires therapy.
Nodes in the 12th:

South Node natives tend to retreat into the mind whenever they're threatened or sad. This can be through daydreaming.
North Node natives tend to over sacrifice themselves, to the point they loose a bit of themselves. Huge atlas, savior personality types.
Lilith in the 12th:

Self Sabotage tends to come from the voice in your head that sounds like a maternal figure of yours. It could be a teacher, mother, or anyone else who supported you.
Investigate how they treated you & the parallel in how you treat yourself.
unfortunately, I have a lot to say on the 12th & twitter only really allows me to do a single tweet.

So while this isn't complete, and there is so much more to say on each placement (& the 6th's involvement), I hope this helps!
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