*Bracketing* the political context of this tweet, it doesn’t hold weight historically. The “fathers” were quite culturally and geographically diverse, and all brought different intellectual tools to the task. We are richer for it. Moreover, it doesn’t make sense of theology... https://twitter.com/neilshenvi/status/1362053342982246403
Theology is recognized and its truth honored in the social, public sphere of the church (dogma quoad nos). The church is “catholic,” extending across time and space. Furthermore, theology is imperfectible because the Holy Spirit’s leading is resisted by sinners....
And so, on basic Reformed principles, the right reading of Scripture requires a public, social, and repentant reading of Scripture, which is never assimilated by the church or her teaching. Diversity doesn’t guarantee right reading, but it’s par for the church’s historical course
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