If you’d like to support Gimlet Union and our work, and help make the podcasting industry better for everyone, including POC - a thread!
Our struggle to become a union 3 years ago is getting new attention after @eeddings thread describing his horrible experience in that fight and at Gimlet overall. Eric is right - it was an infinitely hard fight and unfortunately, it's not over.
We have been bargaining for a contract for more than 1 1/2 years. We have had some promising bargaining sessions in the last month but are still fighting for guaranteed salary increases, proposals around diversity & inclusion, IP & derivative works and more.
What can you do? Retweet us, tell people to follow us, and let @Spotify know how much the shows we make mean to you. Also, follow the other #unionsatspotify: @RingerUnion @ParcastUnion
It feels important to say too that there are several dedicated union members on the team of Reply All. We stand with them and are grateful they have stood by us.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. Unions help bring democracy to the workplace. If you're thinking about unionizing your workplace, know there are many behind you. Unions give workers a voice over their job conditions and their lives.
This means pay, diversity and inclusion, editorial standards, benefits, etc. They raise the floor for everyone from the minute they enter a company. We want to ensure a different experience for up-and-coming podcasters and beyond.
You can follow @GimletUnion.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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