Dear editors and reviewers of leading journals in biomed and oncology @nature @ScienceMagazine @CellCellPress @JAMAOnc @NEJM, please read the following as a guide for actually fostering diversity in research vs publishing editorials/commentaries on diversity in research. /1
Do: Actually publish diversity research. Yes, these studies have smaller samples sizes (because they are underfunded), and are exploratory (because these areas are understudied), yes, you’d get more citations by publishing another next gen study of more white people. /2
Do: Publish papers with diverse authorship. This one explains itself. We can all stand around watching this circle jerk, or you can start publishing new and exciting studies that are the products of new and exciting minds. /3
Don’t: Gatekeep against authors who are not from the “right” profile, the “right” kind of research institution or doing the “right” kind of science. Embrace something new. Diversify your reviewer pool. Build a platform for innovation wherever it comes from. /4
Don’t: Penalize diversity research for being hobbled by small sample size/having fewer resources or fancy technology. Exploratory research lays the groundwork to get funding and buy-in for understudied fields. Trampling down the same path year after year is for herd animals. /5
Most important do: Be the change in the world you want to see. We don’t need more editorials and perspectives on why we need diversity in research and to research diversity. We need you to foster, support and publish diverse voices and diversity research. And we need it now. /6
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