I get questions all the time from players and parents regarding how to create and send out recruiting videos.

What actions should I capture?

Should I pay a service?

How often should I get video?

Does it have to be professional?

Should it be a highlight video?
Lets first start with the actual aspect of capturing good video to send out.

It doesn't have to be professional. Most iphone cameras these days are perfectly fine. It is more important to get the correct angle to showcase your skills. Infielders show actions.
Hitters show body actions, ball flight, and a side view. Pitchers same. If you can include numbers that is very important. Metrics like Exit Velocity, Spin Rate, Throwing Velocity, @Blast_Bsbl Metrics, @rapsodo metrics, 60 Yard Dash, ACT/GPA.. It all helps!
How often should I send out video?

All the time. Especially as your body changes and numbers/actions change. You are building a resume. Coaches need to continually see you and your name. Building a personal brand and being proactive is paramount to getting coaches attention.
Game Film or Practice Film or both?

BOTH. Again, it all plays a part in the recruiters eyes. Seeing how you compete in practice and games are important. The more the better!
Does it have to be professional or find a service to outsource it?

No. There are plenty of good businesses that do a great job. But, if you can take the time to find out correct angles and good video then you are good. I have used my cell phone for years. Works fine.
Is a highlight video better than individual videos or practice and game?

No. Coaches don't want to see a highlight video. Unrealistic. They care about actions, athleticism, and projection. Numbers help validate.
Long story short. Don't be afraid to get video of yourself showing off your skills. Don't be afraid to put it out there. Ask a coach 1st if it is good video to be sent out. If it is, create your brand/resume. If you are not, it is too easy to find other players that are.
You can follow @David_Birkby.
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