Gonna tell you all a secret.
a few more likes and I will let it drop.
I am going to do a live show tonight. gonna have bunch of #Resist on and you are going to hear some astounding stories about backgrounds of why I and many around us #Resist. We are going to lay cards on the table of who we are. OPEN BOOK TIME! We are not a PAC. far more powerful.
I am asking team to set up way for you all to interact and we will take a couple call ins. After watching what is happening with these PAC's we have chosen a formula of open book everyone shares equal and chooses together who we support.
We have serious talent inside of us to make anything in media. We want that power in YOUR hands. I made over 4000 crappy vids over the last four years and did so on purpose as it kept copyright hounds off me.
I started building this team because I wanted to open Green Tech stores across America as I am 30 year renewable clean tech guy but this grew into something that is powerful and belongs in the peoples hands not a couple rich guys and sooo
We needed to get message out and realized we have some powerful talent inside of us and sooo. We have become a A Green Social Movement Paying Our Own Way. WE choose equally how money is spent.
I am blown away by who all has jumped up. You are going to hear several stories of members I have chosen for you to hear their #Resist and not going to be usual suspects. I chose carefully #Resist I first watched and then got to know personally. https://www.persistgreen.com/ 
First show is going to be men. I will do this same thing with all women and hosted by woman. I am thinking like @Kokomothegreat . @MDomino07 @CajunBlueAZ1 and whoever they want. We will provide the show they just need to show up as I know they all are talented.
These pundits are great but I want to hear from the people that actually got on here EVERY day and defended their damn country by baring souls and getting real about who they were so that trust could be built. These are the heroes we should be hearing from.
You can follow @ReesusP.
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