School funding matters. But researchers (me first🙋‍♀️) need to do better at articulating what inequalities segregation actually creates. E.g., the $23B disparity cited here excludes federal Title I funds, so it's an incomplete account 1/n
School finance reform that decouples local tax base and revenues is critical, but not a "first" step--it's been underway for decades and has narrowed funding and achievement gaps. 2/n
Is funding equal or compensatory everywhere? No, and these papers show that racial and economic segregation predict those inequalities. 6/n
I'm striving to frame my work in terms of equity, not equality. What school resources (💰👩‍🏫🏫📚👫💕❓🐼) matter for meaningful outcomes, and how do we distribute these resources equitably? The question should be about compensatory, not equal, resources 7/7
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