Repressive COVID policies are NOT tied to a reduction in deaths.

Repressive COVID policies ARE linked to EXTREMELY low levels of in-person learning, and high unemployment.

#ZeroCOVID basically equates to #ZeroSchool, #ZeroJobs, #ZeroLife--and the same death.
4x fewer children have access to full-time, in-person learning in the most repressive 50% of the country, relative to the least repressive states.

2.5x are learning 100% virtually in the most repressive, compared to the least repressive.

Unemployment is 30% higher.
At the poles the difference is greater yet

In the least repressive states, 9x more children have access to 100% in-person learning than in the most repressive

In the most repressive states, 6X more children are “learning” 100% virtually. Unemployment is 50% higher
Put another way, there are more children w/access to 5-day/week, in-person learning IN FLORIDA

than there are in the 19 most repressive states: CA, VA, MA, DE, NM, WA,VT, NC, HI, IL, CT, ME, NY, CO, OR, RI, PA, NJ, & DC

NEARLY 50% of the country.
Sadly, this has become a democratic problem.

Nationally, 64% of children have access to any kind of in-person instruction. In states w/Democrat govs, it is only 49.9% vs. 82.8% for those w/Republican govs.
When it comes to full-time, in-person, only 19% of children of states w/Democrat govs have access, vs. 62% for those w/Republican govs.

17% of children in states w/Republican govs are learning 100% virtually, compared to 50% w/Dem govs.
The UN human rights council has said that public health measures must be as non-disruptive as possible.

Considering the manifest harm, & the total lack of positive impact from these measures, it is incumbent on us that we relax them immediately.
Comparing Florida with states of similar demographics & latitudes, but higher restrictions, the argument is nearly moot.

After removing all restrictions on 9/16, FL moved from the middle of these states to the bottom—despite the oldest pop of the group.
If we look at states based on their total excess death, divided by size of their senior population, a very different picture emerges. We see much less variation among states, & Florida is among the least deadly of all states--unquestionably the least deadly among large states
Florida has the highest median age by far (it is the 3rd oldest state) of its peer states, the 47th lowest stringency, yet has had consistently lower deaths and hospitalizations since adopting the #FocusedProtection advocated by @gbdeclaration
Even for states where this virus is now endemic (MA, NY, NJ) but still with incredibly harsh COVID measures, FL continues to perform better w/fewer restrictions and a larger elderly population. https://twitter.com/Emily_Burns_V/status/1357546797644853248
This may come as a surprise to many, but this is actually what was expected of a pathogen like this @mlipsitch

Based on this understanding, @MartinKulldorff attempted to publish this work, to save lives. He was not able to get it published, despite being an extremely well-respected, senior epidemiologist at Harvard. https://twitter.com/MartinKulldorff/status/1248617666308235264
These measures are causing acute harm, both to our children through lack of access to schooling, and to the rest of the populace by decreased employment.
The harm does not stop there. Approximately 2/3rd of the country is suffering across every possible metric. The 1/3 that are not suffering are driving policy, policies that benefit them and harm others less well-off than them. https://twitter.com/PhilWMagness/status/1352298738514059265
These measures are not normal. Even for a flu of a magnitude similar to the 1918 flu, the CDC pandemic plan, only recommended “suggested home quarantine of sick individuals.”

COVID is approximately 30x less deadly than the 1918 flu. which infected 500M world wide, and killed 50-100M (30x worse than COVID).

Note how in FL, after restrictions were removed, deaths for under 45 have remained below flu levels. Even 45-64 have only slightly exceeded. In CA, deaths in all of these age groups are significantly elevated.
In FL, in the 65+ age group, where deaths are certainly above flu levels, the % increase is nowhere near as high as was seen in California.
Again, this was all to be expected based on prior research. Harsh restrictions drive the virus to the weakest among us, increasing the mortality rate. In Boston, there is a clear link b/n level of education, and exposure.

Some will say that it is not my place to demand that we abandon these harsh, harmful measures, because I am not an epidemiologist.

I disagree.
As someone upon whom these repressive public health dictates have been forced, I believe I have a right to dissent

—particularly when the measures are manifestly useless for their desired end, and causing significant additional harm.
Surely public health ought to be responsive to the will of those whom it claims to help. If not, it is without merit or purpose.
The public health measures in place for the last year to not deserve the name.

They have robbed more than 50% of the nation’s children of a years’ worth of education.

They have increased unemployment. AND they have increased mortality.
The Biden administration is currently doubling down on these disastrous measures.
@CDCDirector Wallensky has provided recommendations that mirror her work in MA—and which have resulted in only 3.5% of MA students w/access to 100% in-person learning.
We deserve better. We deserve that our public health community admit the utter failure—and outright harm—of their measures. https://twitter.com/Emily_Burns_V/status/1357535535846354950
Public health is founded on mutual trust. This is why it is broken. Our public health officials do not trust we are capable of processing information. They continue to treat us like children, to lie to us, to exaggerate, to claim certainty where none exists.
The results speak for themselves. It is time for this medical tyranny to stop, to empower us to make our decisions for ourselves.

We could not possibly do worse than they have done for us—and where allowed to, we are doing far better.

You can follow @Emily_Burns_V.
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