I don't want to see nor do I find interesting exploring the origin story of someone who wants to ...make fur coats out of puppies.

Are there not other stories which can be told?
Can Cruella be interesting and compelling?

Sure. I could write it and make it interesting and compelling.

That's not the point. It's about a woman who wanted to make a fur coat out of puppies. Why do we care? Why should we wish to care?
MAGNETO has an interesting story on why he does bad things.

KILLMONGER had an interesting story on why he does bad things.

CRUELLA want to make fur coats out of puppies.
MAGNETO: I have seen the oppression of the majority, I have seen what evil that has wrought. I will not allow it to happen again to my people. Never again. I will win by any means necessary.

I CAN UNDERSTAND THIS even if his methods are wrong.
KILLMONGER: I was robbed of my father, and my rightful heritage. I have seen the suffering of my people at the hands of the colonizers. Never again. I will win by any means necessary.

I CAN UNDERSTAND THIS even if his methods are wrong.
CRUELLA DE VIL: Wouldn't a Dalmatian coat be AMAZING! It'll take skinning about 101 puppies.

Also back on a more serious note after engaging with some comments. You can't make someone who is a rich old white woman who wants a fucking coat made out of puppies and is willing to harm others to get it...sympathetic to that goal. You can't.

So here's what they'll do.
They'll make you sympathetic to why she turned to evil and sold every shred of her humanity. That's it, that's all you can do. To the point of loss of moral compass that hey dead puppies are just fine.

Oh but her ugly cloak went up in a poof of flame, what a cool effect.


Emma Stone is talented. Disney has great people. I'm sure it will look fantastic. It does look fantastic.

But...why. And meh.
She's also a very Trumpian character, and that's gross. And most women who are villains are just charactures of misogyny of various forms in Disney anyway.
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