Hello there, just to get a feel for what the 1990s was like, here are some songs I would listen to on my Discman to tune out listening to Rush Limbaugh whenever I drove anywhere with my dad
This song is the opener on their album “Dirt” and is full of tales of drug dependency, shattered emotions and war trauma. The first time I heard it was in the car waiting while my mom got a haircut and she asked if I liked my new album and I said “yeah”
I used to get really excited about metal lyrics because they were about anything but romantic love and it was like my teen brain jumping up and down to try and get bigger
When I was like 16 I loved horror movies and heavy metal and had absolutely zero taste so of course I loved Rob Zombie
You grow up in a small town but want to get into something different in the days before you could download whatever, then you had to be ready on the few occasions you had to hit up the record store the next town over so you could grab the good shit
I was one of THOSE kids in my conservative-ass farm town but the absolute number of guitar playing right-wing choads who were obsessed with this band really made me question the effectiveness of their messaging. Fuck the words, they just liked the anger.
Sometimes you react to not having any friends by getting into the most dirtbag rock imaginable and that just becomes your fucking identity for awhile. My life for a spell was this song, crime novels, and watching school shooting coverage on CNN.
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