I’ma rant so feel free to mute.
illustrating the significant lobe of my brain that childcare takes up, not only for me but for ANY woman who wants or needs to work. That we have not addressed this in our country is a fucking shame and demonstrates how little we value women and their contributions to our country
I also recently listened to @HearToSlay and heard TMC articulate something that I have struggled with: she recognized that she is in the privileged position to pay for dignity and recognition while seeking out health care, an experience that should be the default.
Strikingly, she pointed out that both appreciates this privilege while acknowledging the anger that underlies her realization that so few have access to what should be a default expectation.
I realize that is how I feel about childcare rn (and frankly LOTS of things in this country): I am in the privileged position to be able to PAY someone to help my kids with their school work and take care of them after school so that I can work uninterrupted for hours a day.
The people my family has hired do a better job of it than I and I want to work. I deserve to be able to work and I SO appreciate the opportunity to do so
BUT: I have SO MUCH guilt abt this. I ALSO have SO MUCH rage and sadness. We have once again sidelined women’s participation in our economy, culture, and for me specifically, science, b/c we have refused to prioritize childcare and schools during,and frankly BEFORE, this pandemic
This is the message that women have consistently received in this country without a national prioritization of child care: Women’s contributions do not matter to the development of this country.
We will sacrifice you and your ability to define what your life should be like during most times but PARTICULARLY in times of crisis. And the only ones who may come out unscathed are the ones who can pay for it.
That op-ed by Kamala Harris was one of the first illustrations that maybe, just maybe, this is changing and this country will place greater value on women, their aspirations and their contributions.
And so I sobbed at my desk in hope and frankly, a little bit of fear, that I was being too optimistic.
Also, I’ll be FUCKING DAMNED if any productivity I demonstrate during this pandemic is used to shame or limit opportunities or access for any other woman scientist because they are not in the position I am in. I won't be your FUCKING exception
When you start thinking about policy and infrastructure as actual demonstrations of what a country values, shit becomes REAL clear
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