Not a fan of George Will but the data in his opinion piece is right. h/t to @jenmendez_ who shared this article first.

Cancelling student loan debt would be a huge debt relief program to upper income families with unqualified legacy admission kids.
Black, Latino, Asian, queer kids without parental support and those who qualify for spell Grants carry far less in student loans on average than those mentioned. Thus, only 17% of the funds would be helped because most of these communities carry less student debt.
Additionally, most Americans are not college educated nor even attended college. There has to be an equal action for this to take place. Right now...there are no ideas addressing that and it is why this issue polls horribly.
The solution should be 2 fold. Use the metrics that determine financial aid to determine loan forgiveness. After 10 years of o time income based repayment, have the government discharge the loans and have these loans reported to credit agencies as fully paid for the entire sum.
Second, provide UBI to all Americans. Those who qualify for fin aid can use the UBI to pay IBR payments. Those who do not attend or graduate college with loans can use the money in whatever way they choose fit.
Giving legacy kids of wealthy parents huge debt relief is not the answer.
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