I sent an email to Minister Green & Minister Cardy about school site selection. Increasingly, significant costs for public buildings are for cars. For example, parking at MHS has a larger footprint than the school itself. With better planning, we can save 💰+🌎
. @DominicCardy responded promptly, and when I replied again, he even called me. I don't expect any politician to make commitments on the spot, but I left the conversation feeling a door has been opened for further discussion and even felt hopeful for action. But ...
That hope was extinguished by Minister Green's response. While I fully appreciate the factors listed, this letter says in polite terms: expect the status quo and more schools moving out of established neighborhoods. Based on dominant opinions in NB I can't blame the Minister
I've been advocating for legislative changes, capital investment & programming that would make transportation safer, sustainable, healthier & less carbon intensive. I'm not sure this is effective anymore. What NB needs more than anything is a culture shift. That means us
This tweet from Minister Cardy has stuck with me. If we can't value a 200 metre walk in our day, there's no hope or reason for better sidewalk plowing, new bike lanes, better transit or reducing our GHG emissions
6/10 https://twitter.com/DominicCardy/status/1171411370673418240?s=20
If you care about climate change.
If you care about health.
If you care about safety.
If you care about affordable living.

Sign this petition right now! We need action on our streets and in our transportation system http://chng.it/MGCNQWKD8d 

I like to bike. It's fun, but that's not why I'm vocal. A lot of parents share a common anxiety that their kids will one day ask "What did you do to reduce our impact on this planet?" Every day we choose how to get to work or the corner store. Make a healthy and fun choice
I don't bike everywhere. In fact, owning a car is a requirement for my job. But I bike and walk when I can, like picking up my daughter from daycare. It's the part of the day I look forward to the most and much more fun than looking for a parking spot (we look for boats👇)
Almost daily, another parent tells me they would like to drive less but don't feel safe biking with their kids. I don't either and it upsets me that DTI and the Premier don't seem to care. Let government know you care and they should too ✍️ http://chng.it/MGCNQWKD8d 
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