A wee bit of live tweeting from me from our @UofGlasgow “Don’t seek acceptance, seek respect” panel event tonight for #LGBTHM21 with @jcrdandaly @Cmacf76 and @MhairiBlack
Jordan tells us that @tiecampaign research evidenced that 72% of young Scots have seen in any increase in homophobia/transphobia online during lockdown.
Panelists now being asked about their own experience of school @Cmacf76 reflects on hearing homophobic language for the first time at high school and this was pre section 28/2a
A whole generation could never see themselves, nobody was ever there to say it’s ok to be gay - @Cmacf76
@MhairiBlack went to school (a wee bit) later than Colin but recognises much of his experience. She remembers the language of “your ok but the act is wrong” from her education. Says her loving family made the difference for her
@MhairiBlack says just because you don’t have to lie anymore doesn’t mean you can automatically be yourself
Now @jcrdandaly has just admitted an early crush on Lee from Steps, this event is going dramatically downhill and fast 😉
Important stuff here from @jcrdandaly on the importance of role models and learning about our own history
Next question “if you could add an LGBTQ+ moment or icon to the curriculum would it be” - @Cmacf76 first to say s.28 because people need to know what happened so that it can never happen again
Another important comment that when we tell our story, in amongst the horror, there must be a celebration of the solidarity, resilience, community and friendship throughout it
Jordan making a great point that If more people knew our history we might not be making the same mistakes on trans rights. Also highlights what he describes as “polite bigotry” which is deeply pernicious
“Prejudice is getting a makeover and we need to understand the new tactics” - brilliant from @jcrdandaly
Now @MhairiBlack brilliantly highlighting the work of bad actors in the trans debate and explaining that it’s working because so many people know so little about the lives of trans people. Calls on people to educate themselves.
Jordan reflects that it’s a key tactic to dehumanise trans people - to reflect it as an ideology rather than an identity.
Colin quick to develop the point that disinformation is prevalent - evidence and fact don’t seem to have the cut through it used to. Deeply worrying.
This is honestly such a brilliant, thorough, engaging, respectful and enlightening conversation. Food for the activist soul.
Jordan nailing the fact that complex debates about identity, equality and rights massively underserved by being boiled down to 280 characters on Twitter. Word.
@Cmacf76 marking the diversity of the lgbt movement. Some people in the movement don’t agree with equal marriage, don’t think we should work with the army or police. Lgbt people can carry their own bigotry and prejudice. It’s not one homogenous voice.
Next question, how do you guard against lgbt rights going backwards as they are in other countries?
Colin argues you need to build it in to systems and institutions. Literally into the bricks
Next question - where is the line between free speech and hate speech and can it be legislated for?
@MhairiBlack a lot of people using the free speech defence aren’t really talking about their rights, they’re angry that their views aren’t getting the traction they used to
@MhairiBlack Adds that the same people want Katie Hopkins on campus but @jcrdandaly out of the classroom👏🏼.
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