Trade deadline a few months away, am told at this point there has been no resumption in talks between the Oilers and RNH camp. Talks broke off abruptly before the season and its been radio silence since then. RNH has made it clear he wants to remain an Oiler long term..../
The organization has said they’d like to keep him, but figuring out the term and dollar figure in a flat cap Covid environment proved tricky. He’s developed chemistry with McDavid, who has said he really likes playing with him, kills penalties, is on their top PP.../
And is an important player in their room. Replacing him on the open market would not be an easy or cheap task. With that said, the economic uncertainty moving forward has many teams carefully considering every dollar they spend, so it is complicated.../
This is not an asset the organization would want to lose for nothing in free agency, and letting him walk out the door could be a big set back, especially considering the relationship and chemistry with McDavid. Tough decisions ahead for both these sides with clock ticking.
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