
I think they’re pretty important tbh, this account is where I journal my trades backed with charts. Pure TA (w/ little FA) to see what goes well + what goes wrong.

I have a separate journal for my #pyschology

Trading is a mental game (1)
+ if you want to be one of the best, you have to be like the best.

I realised if I go beyond 10 mins of charting in bed on my phone, and end up aping in, but I stopped <10mins, 7 mins being optimal, has prevented me from doing so.

FOMO is another one. (2)
You have to realise that there will always be another trade + that’s what’s made me more profitable

Another psychological thing that I realised was green numbers + the case of 20x on Binance.
Binance automatically set leverage to 20x (3)
I realised if my limit order is filled its position sizing is wrong + and so is S/L and its just wrong but you don’t want to take out the trade bc its highly green, but sometimes It may flash green to red and go deep red. (This was a while ago) (4)
Regardless of where the position is + I realise it’s 20x - its better to sort your #pyschology + #mindset than it is to win a trade

End of the Day: Journey >> Money
But that’s a glimpse of what goes in my psychology journal! ALL FUN
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