The GOP today is about 75% Trumpy, 25% not. But having bled out the suburbs the past four years, the party needs both factions to win national elections.

Seems unlikely to hold. The 25% want disavowal of the former president, 75% won't budge an inch.
McConnell—like Henry Clay, his political role model—is trying to hold the warring factions together. But also like Clay, it might not be possible.

Can GOP voters disagree on adherence to the democratic process? Loyalty to the truth? Reality itself?
An ex-Republican mom from Minnesota: “I can work with people who have different policy preferences. But I cannot align with people who are just not based in reality. ... It is a fundamentally unstable and unsustainable arrangement."
The 75% will yell at the 25% for not getting on board, the 25% will yell at the 75% for not getting off the train.

But the reality is: They can't stand each other, and they can't win national elections without each other. Something's gotta give.
When the Whig Party was faced with a similar dilemma in the 1850s over the expansion of slavery, it crumbled, and the Republican Party eventually took its place.

Likely not possible today; two-party system too entrenched. So what next?
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