Years ago, a minister told me a story of a funeral:

The widow sat in the front row, crying, surrounded by wailing friends. At the point in the liturgy for the sermon, the priest came down and stood at the open coffin.

He laid his hand on the dead man, and said....
"There are some people who, when anyone sees them, say, 'What a good man! What a wonderful man! He makes me so happy!'"

The widow and her wailing friends, responded, "Yes, father; yes, father."
He paused. And said, "Yes, some people make everyone happy."

He looked down. Paused again. And then said, with his hand patting the dead man,

"This was not one of those people."
The widow looked up, and said, "Yes, Father. You're so right, Father!"

And all her friends said, "Yes, Father."
The priest continued -- listing all the mean things the man ever did.

And the widow and the wailers kept agreeing, "Yes, Father! He was a terrible person, Father."
And then, finally, at the end of the eulogy. The priest looked down at the dead man, and then to the mourners, and said, "But God loved him, even him. God loved even him."
"And if God loved even him, God loves us all."
And the women said in response, "Yes, Father. Yes."
For those who have ears to hear.
(My friend told me this was the best, most brutally honest funeral sermon she ever heard...)
And it is all I got regarding trending news.
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