What’s messed up about the uyghur camps denial from POC Tankies is that this is a non white persecuted minority but because it’s happening in a nonwhite non western nation it either can’t be real or is exaggerated. It’s ignorant binary thinking. Uyghurs are POC too remember? TF
Because their entire politics boils down to the west vs the global south. Not all oppressors vs oppressed, not rulers vs the rules, only a comic book simple racialized scenario in which it’s white capitalist vs the non white “rebels”. Despite Capital being colorless
Racialized capitalism can exist alongside capitalism tor capitalism’s sake. There’s multiple forms of it. And multiple forms of oppression. That’s the real world. They don’t give a fuck about people dying and destroying all oppression equally they just want a race war fantasy
Guess what being a revolutionary is ADVOCATING AND FIGHTING FOR THE PEOPLE. Not just hating Amerikkka not just being anti western but being anti injustice wherever the fuck it is.
Black people have been victims of oppression and domination at the hands of white supremacy and the settler colonial state for centuries. We’ve suffered globally. How the FUCK can some of US, of all people, spout bullshit and not have solidarity with all victims of oppression?!
They believe in the reality of neocolonialism yet don’t believe in non-white despots which essentially results in the Same thing: oppression by someone who’s the same color as the oppressed.
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