The chart that summarizes how wind power failed from @WSJOpinion.
Between Feb. 8-16, "wind power plunged 93% while coal increased 47% and gas 450%...Yet the renewable industry [is] tarring gas, coal and nuclear because they didn’t operate at 100% of their expected potential during the Arctic blast even though wind turbines failed nearly 100%."
Here is some of the data on the contribution of various energy sources to the Texas shortfall. Nuclear performed best; renewables worst.
To those who say: "West Texas should winterize its windmills!" Sure, they should. But to imply that wind power is a reliable energy source during extreme weather events is anti-empirical. If you care about climate change and CO2 emissions, nuclear is the obvious solution.
So if you claim to be a climate advocate, and you're deprecating the performance of nuclear power, and hiding under the rug the abysmal performance of wind, the rest of us retain the right not to take you seriously.
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