it's been brought to my attention that a certain person me & a few others tweeted about yesterday has attempted to cover up some actions, which is justifiable - as anyone would. however, i feel the need to share a little bit more for those conflicted about the situation (1/?)
the real thing to note here is that with everyone i've told stories and described the issues to, i've shown compassion for the dude. he has some personal issues that i'm quite sympathetic towards. however, this is an on-going excuse that he's done nothing productive with (2/?)
the real problem here, is that on multiple instances, he used me as free therapy. every time i encouraged him to seek out medical attention, he would ignore it or say "he can't afford" even though ohip covers a small amount of mental health treatment. (3/?)
he may be using this as an excuse, but those who are outsiders should be aware of the fact that he is not proactive about it and has trouble changing that. my understanding through my conversations with people who are a part of his life is that he is very (4/?)
single-minded about issues like this, and whenever issues like these are raised, he antagonizes the person who caused them. there are also a few iffy parts of his statement that he made that don't exactly ring true. first off, he has blocked me on every social (5/?)
and i assume he has done the same with my phone number. the fact that he takes issue with me not confronting these issues directly is ignorant of that, as well as the many months of this never ending cycle that occurred where i tried to help him overcome these issues (6/?)
in addition, the way he says things have been exaggerated is only about his perspective, and is ignorant of the long-term trauma his behaviour has caused that he hadn't necessarily intended. also, his assumption that this was to tarnish his reputation is extremely harmful (7/?)
all of us that have made statements about his behaviour have done so in a professional manner, and we're not trying to stir drama. we're trying to make sure that no one is harmed by these actions in the future. i can see a future where he settles his baggage (8/?)
and i'm not excluding that possibility. i'm not trying to tarnish his reputation, especially since i would have nothing to gain from that. i just want to make sure others that consider writing for him take a safe approach. the reality of the situation is that he will only (9/?)
seek help if something is at stake. i've learned the hard way that being nice about it doesn't work for him, and makes me the enemy. maybe you see that as unfair, which is fine! however his behaviour has added so much stress to my life even if he hasn't intended it (10/?)
i hope through this, he goes and seeks the medical attention he requires because even though what he's done has left a sour taste in my mouth, as one of the last close friends of his, i feel indirectly involved with whatever's going on. to be more specific, some of the (11/?)
things he's done more often that not are:
a) make people feel guilty for not submitting reviews on time, even though his writers aren't paid and mostly pay out of pocket to see movies. he would say things like "this proves to me that my site & i have no value to you" (12/?)
b) send me like 20 messages in a row without letting me get a chance to reply, and begin to blame it on my character when i felt too overwhelmed to reply
c) call me on the phone twice a week bawling about how horrible i made him feel about not submitting reviews (13/?)
d) often make invasive comments about my personal life, and asking me why i chose to be social instead of writing reviews for him
e) be really pushy making comments about how i was his best friend and how i need to visit him in ottawa more (i never did) (14/?)
f) get mad at me for watching screeners without him, or only letting me watch screeners if i watched with him on a video chat
g) go on subtweet storms about me probably so i could see him getting attention and be guilt tripped internally about it
about that last part... (15/?)
at TIFF this past year he tweeted something along the lines of "sometimes i wish i could be put out my misery" so out of concern, a close friend and i called the hotel he was staying at and asked him to check up on him since he wasnt picking up the phone. it was one of the (16/?)
scariest nights of my life. however, he was fine (he was definitely tweeting to seek attention) and a few minutes later he called me and tried to make me feel like i did that with negative attentions or out of an attempt to get him in trouble. he plays the victim card even (17/?)
when people are attempting to help him. there are more stories i could tell, however, they are more indicative of his personal life and mine so out of respect for him, i will not be publicly posting those stories. if you are involved with keith formerly or currently and (18/?)
want to know these other stories for your safety, i am more than happy to share in private. the point of me sharing all of this is to make sure people know this is an attempt to sabotage him, but make others safe. this cover-up of his clearly shows he thinks that (19/?)
everything is about him, because he couldn't even think about the people who may be at risk of these things now. I have no desire to ruin his reputation, and only share this so people can make safe decisions in regards to working/being friends with him (20/21)
i really hope this gives people enough perspective to understand the situation, and make according decisions. even though his impact on me over the past year has been mostly negative, i am still rooting for him & hope he & writers can soon work in a safer environment. (21/21)
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