For me there are two nasty things going on. Firstly, some people in the Jewish community have a sense of entitlement, that the area is 'Jewish', so Jews get to decide who lives there. Obviously that's not true. It's extremely diverse
Secondly, and it really pains me to say it, I think there is a fair bit of racism/ discrimination against Muslims, whatever you want to call it, over this proposal. There is an inherent prejudice against this community making GG the centre of its community
I've seen all manner of very public campaigns against this Islamic centre; people moaning about traffic and pollution and other ridiculous nonsenses. If there are legitimate concerns then air them. But simply putting up barriers and creating a stand-off helps nobody
The reality is - Golders Green is a very mixed area, with a considerable Jewish population - and most of the time Jewish people go about their daily business without a problem, and on numerous occasions recently, communities have come together when faced with problems
And amid all of this mess, Iraqi-born vice president of the @BoardofDeputies, @EdwinShuker, visited the Golders Green Islamic centre, to directly reach out to them. It's very much needed for two communities to speak directly to each other.
What I'm basically saying, is there is a lot of noise, from a few loud people who are against this proposal - because they don't like the idea of a Muslim community centre in the heart of Jewish north London - but just because they're the loudest, it doesn't mean they're right
Rant over
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