Why are COVID-19 cases dropping? Here’s what observers say could be playing a part:

• stronger public-health measures;
• stricter adherence to the rules borne out of fear of faster-spreading variants;
• the natural seasonality of coronaviruses.

In countries with relatively high rates of vaccination and #coronavirus infection, such as the United States and Britain, immunity could also be starting to slow the spread.

In the past 6 weeks, new global coronavirus infections have dropped by nearly half:

• 5M in the first week of Jan., to
• 2.7M in the final week of the month

Canada is part of that trend, too, with a 64% drop in cases reported weekly since early January https://tgam.ca/covid19-numbers 
In countries where post-holiday surges were particularly steep, governments imposed stringent public-health measures that led to an equally steep drop in cases.

The lockdowns, coupled with fear of new COVID-19 variants, could help explain the drop.

The natural seasonality of SARS-CoV-2 could be another factor:

• The 4 seasonal coronaviruses tend to peak in winter and early spring.

But attributing the seasonal effect for the drop in COVID-19 cases is “a pipe dream,” said professor of medicine and epidemiology Peter Juni.
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