Four million people had their energy shutoff in Texas due to extreme cold & grid breakdown. In a pandemic, families are left again fending for themselves. My TLDR: a root flaw of our utility system is that it is more focused on making money than providing basic services.
The polar vortex in TX is one in a slew of climate-related extreme weather events. Not long ago, the NW was engulfed in flames & forced to shut off power. Utility PG&E created some of the biggest wildfires w cocktail combination of grid disinvestment & climate action deferral.
TX’s energy system gave out under unprecedented demands and brittle infrastructure. Texas, a major producer & exporter of fossil fuels created conditions for the vortex. & now the very plants that catalyzed climate chaos are buckling under its wrath.
The state and its utilities have doubled down on export terminals, natural gas production and other ff infrastructure in pursuit of profit in the face of increasing climate impacts. This is clearly not “natural” but instead a direct outcome of pursuing profit over people.
Layer on the fact that we are amidst a massive pandemic and economic crisis. Those forced to find shelter in communal spaces are at higher risk of COVID exposure.
With so many out of work, when the system is up and running many will still be left in the dark. Utilities have been shutting off people’s power, water, and internet throughout the ENTIRE pandemic for nonpayment. When we’re asked to stay inside, wash our hands, and work remotely
🚨🚨 BOTH extreme weather & nonpayment shutoffs stem from the same issue - a system of capitalism that would rather plunge us into catastrophic climate change or cut someone off from essential services in a pandemic in order to keep a profit. 🚨🚨
We. Cannot. Continue. This. Way.

1- We need to treat our energy, clean water, and internet access as they really are -- core services to our lives that should be guaranteed to all.

2- that means permanent end to utility shutoffs, but especially #noshutoffs during a pandemic.
3- We need to invest in a democratic, equitable, and *publicly-controlled* energy system that values energy & water & internet as public goods to be distributed instead of marketized for profit.
4- We need to plan for the reality of baked-in extreme weather. This means investing in community-controlled distributed renewable energy, more solar and wind, & having community-driven emergency planning processes that center those most impacted by shutoffs.
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