so anyway I been watching this show where this one character A confessed being in love w B, actor/writer/director all confirmed it was romantic, A then died to save B, B then (1) passes out in a drunken stupor on the floor back home,
(2) begs god to bring A back, (3) carves A’s name into a table (that otherwise only has names of him, his bro, mom, dad & adopted son (4) oh & this other character who always pretends to be ppl’s lovers showed up pretended to be A, & B sprinted up stairs 2 at a time to meet him
(5) B then promptly died beforewe get any other followup.

- oh and B has had no romantic interests for yrs, spent all season bickering w A, breaking up, being counseled by a 3rd party about A, reuniting. All B’s heavy scenes involved A.
finally the actor of B stated that it was fine for fans to interpret B’s reactions however they see it

(oh & B’s was in a romance of his own that had multiple scenes over many episodes. & that actor also stated, fine to interpret that character too however fans see it)
So the question is, would discussion of possible romance between A and B destroy the “integrity” of this show or insult the show creators or cast in some way?
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