2/7 The idea of dignity as a trigger for political protest in Russia is complicated in #Navalny case by the fact that for so many Russians, dignity has long been expressed in the form of resistance to the West. https://carnegie.ru/commentary/83894
3/7 There is huge inertia within Russian society. Most people sense that the regime is not, in fact, on the verge of collapse, and that mass street protests are unlikely to accelerate the end of the #Putin era https://carnegie.ru/commentary/83894
4/7 The #Kremlin is banking on that reaction, and wants to foster public expectations that any #protest movement will exhaust itself, just like the many previous movements, and that the regime will stay standing. https://carnegie.ru/commentary/83894
5/7 #Navalny and his team are brilliant at generating media attention, viral content, and huge numbers of viewers of his anti-corruption videos. But this popularity may not necessarily translate into active support offline. https://carnegie.ru/commentary/83894
6/7 "You want a revolution of dignity? — the #Kremlin suggest. – Then first you should be ready to go through certain humiliation." Even people who are unhappy will opt for what looks to them like perfectly rational behaviour, and stay out of politics. https://carnegie.ru/commentary/83894
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