1/ Imagine playing high-quality mobile games, instantly, without app downloads. With Artie, this is now possible. Goodbye app stores. Hello, social-native games. Frictionless for consumers. Improved economics for developers. 🧵👇
3/ Discover, play, and share games from friends and the people you follow on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Discord, Snapchat, Facebook, and more.
4/ “Are these cloud games?” Not exactly. “Are these HMTL5 or Javascript games?” Nope. Artie Instant Play takes a hybrid approach that sits between cloud games and today’s mobile web games. We serve Unity games from the cloud, but render graphics on player’s phones.
5/ By distributing mobile games this way, we eliminate the latency issues of cloud games on mobile connections. We’re also nearly 10x more cost-effective to operate, which is critical considering the free-to-play business model used by most mobile games.
6/ Unlike HTML5 and Javascript game engines, our approach enables instant games to go beyond the hyper-casual genre. Our games have the same graphics quality and gameplay complexity as casual and core mobile games normally only found in app stores.
7/ And all of this is now possible without API access or integration into social, video, or messaging platforms. This means our games aren’t stuck in walled gardens or app stores and they’re easily sharable anywhere. No more 30% store fees.
8/ Giving creators the power to bring games directly to their audiences will upend the distribution paradigm of mobile gaming and create a new category of social-native games.
9/ We’re excited for you to try our first games starting later this spring. If you’re a game developer, publisher, influencer, entertainer, brand, media company, or creator interested in what we’re building, please reach out (DMs open or via http://www.artie.com ).
10/ Soon we’ll share details about our SDK and next-gen gameplay tools – including support for voice, text, and camera input – which will enable more immersive experiences between players and game characters.
You can follow @ryandhorrigan.
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